Please get in touch with any questions and enquiries.

Who will be looking after my dog or pet?

Puddy Paws is run and managed solely by myself; I will be the only person providing care for your dog or pet.

How many dogs do you take on group walks?

I walk up to three dogs at a time. This maximises the individual attention I can give to each dog and ensures we are all kept happy and safe. I organise groups of dogs based on their character, needs, compatibility, geographical distance to a walking route, travel time for pick-up and drop-off and generally what I feel is best for each dog in the group.

How long are dog walks?

Your dog/s will be with me for up to two hours to include pick-up and drop-off. They will be walking for a minimum of one hour and often much longer.

When are day group walks?

Group walks are 10:30—12:30 and 13:30—15:30 on Wednesdays. I also offer walks any day through the school holidays and at evenings and weekends.

Do you offer solo dog walks?

I offer solo dog walks on Wednesdays, on most weekday evenings and at weekends. I am also available each day of the week for solo walks during school holidays.

Do I need to provide dog bags, treats, toys, leads and water?

I provide everything your dog/s need for their walks and will carry anything you would like me to take along for them, like a specific harness or treat.

Will you meet me and my pet/s before their first walk or visit?

I always offer an initial walk with your dog solo at half the rate of a group dog walk so that I can get to know your dog really well and your dog can meet me. I also find it invaluable to talk to you about your requirements, wishes and everything you want to tell me about your dog or pet. I will give you an agreement to sign before I look after your pet/s.

What do I need to provide before you walk or care for my dog/s?

I ask that your dog is microchipped and has a secure collar with an ID tag engraved with up-to-date contact details.

Where will you take my dog/s on walks?

I will take your dog/s on routes that are safe, tried and tested, dog-friendly and varied, allowing for physical exercise, lots of sniffs and mental stimulation. I aim to find routes that are near to your home but also provide lots of interest and space to run. I don’t allow dogs off of leads completely, but use very long training leads when we are in open spaces. These make your dog/s feel that they are off-lead and allows them to run and play securely.

What are pet visits?

If you would like me to come to your home to check on a pet and give them some company while you are away, a pet visit is right for you. I will follow your instructions for providing water, food, letting your pet/s outside or cleaning out their living space. A pet visit is a minimum of thirty minutes but can be shorter or longer.

What if my dog or pet falls ill or gets injured while they are in your care?

In this case, my priority is to contact you or the emergency contact you provide first. If necessary, I will take your pet directly to your named veterinary surgery. I always carry a Pet First Aid Kit with me and I am trained to administer first aid.

Do you have a cancellation policy?

I have a cancellation policy of 48 hours for any service. If a service is cancelled within 48 hours before the booked slot, I ask that the full cost of the service is paid for. Under very specific personal circumstances, this fee will be wavered.

How can I pay for the services at Puddy Paws?

When you book and sign the agreement, I will provide you with an invoice inclusive of all the details of your booked service. The invoice will also include my business bank account details so that payment can be made by bank transfer, (or a scheduled payment if I regularly walk your dog/s or care for your pet/s). I ask that payment is made either in advance of or within 48 hours of me caring for your pet/s. If a bank transfer doesn’t work for you, I can accept cash and will provide you with a receipt alongside your invoice in this case.

What is the agreement that I will sign before you care for my pet/s?

The agreement is an information sheet that is bespoke to you as it outlines the specific requirements we have talked about ahead of me caring for your pet/s. Generally, it includes the date, time and cost agreed plus a signed statement to say that your dog is micro-chipped and has a collar with up-to-date contact details. I will also ask you to list your veterinary surgery and emergency contact details and to read and sign the cancellation policy and payment section.

Do you take last minute bookings?

I do take last minute bookings if I have availability. For pet sitting that extends to overnight and longer, it is best to book a week or so in advance.

When are you available?


Most weekday evenings when booked in advance.

Weekends and bank holidays for all services when booked in advance.

At all times for all services during school holidays when booked in advance.

I will always try my best to accommodate you where I can!

Why are you only available in the evenings on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays during term time?

I am also an English Teacher in a Secondary School and I teach during the day on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. I find running Puddy Paws goes hand in hand with teaching as there are so many brilliant similarities like meeting new people, communication and building trust.

How do I book?

Please book by getting in touch via the contact form, via email, phone or through Facebook or Instagram.